
The Ancient Theater and the Museum of Art and History are open daily from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm. The sound tour of the Arc de Triomphe is freely accessible, every day from 9am to 8.30pm.

An audio trail
through the city

In the heart of the Rhone Valley, the Roman Theatre of Orange is certainly one of the most beautiful legacies of imperial Rome. An outstanding testimony to Antiquity inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, it is the best preserved theatre in Europe.

It owes its fame especially to its magnificent stage wall, which is surprisingly well preserved and unique in the Western world. It was a major performance venue in Roman times and still is today, much to the delight of music lovers from all over the world.

The Museum of Art and History of Orange is located in the private mansion built in the 17th century by Georges Van Cuyl. The Dutchman was responsible for the munitions at the castle of the Princes of Orange, which stood at the summit of the Saint Eutrope Hill above the theatre.

From its original construction, the mansion has kept its staircase, its windows, its French ceilings and a plasterwork fireplace. Today it is home to a rich collection of furniture and art objects, and recounts the history of Orange from Antiquity to the 19th century.

Another testimony to Roman grandeur in Orange, the Triumphal Arch, is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is in fact a commemorative urban arch serving as a gateway to the city.

Built as a tribute to the veterans of Caesar’s 2nd Gallic Legion who founded the city, it is an exceptional monument of Provençal Roman art. Consisting of a monumental three-bay gateway and a double attic, it is decorated with a rich array of weapons panels: shields, helmets, ensigns, etc.